English Language Classes
GED/College Prep Classes
We are excited to start this fall
back in person!!
We will be following guidelines to help keep everyone healthy including having all staff and students wear masks and keep a 6 foot social distance.
Located at:
Riverland Community College, East Building
1600 8th Ave NW, Austin, MN
Office: Room C138
Contact Us: 507-460-1860
More Program Info
English Language Classes
Clases de ingles |Cours d'anglais |Kelas Bahasa Inggris | အင်္ဂလိပ်ဘာသာသင်တန်းများ
Mondays-Thursdays 8:30am-11:00am or 11:30am-2:00pm
Mondays & Wednesdays 5:00pm-7:30pm
Lunes a jueves de 8:30 a.m. a 11:00 a.m. o de 11:30 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.
Lunes y miércoles 5: 00-7: 30
Du lundi au jeudi de 8h30 à 11h00 ou de 11h30 à 14h00
Les lundis et mercredis de 17h00 à 19h30
Senén-Kemisér 8:30 am-11:00am atanapi 11:30 am-2:00pm
Senén & Rebo 5: 00-7: 30
တနင်္လာနေ့ - ကြာသပတေးနေ့ ၈ း ၃၀ မှ ၁၁ း ၀၀ နာရီသို့မဟုတ် ၁၁ း ၃၀ မှ ၂ း ၀၀ နာရီ တနင်္လာနေ့နှင့်ဗုဒ္ဓဟူးနေ့ 5: 00-7: 30
tanainlarnae - kyaarsapatayynae 8 3 0 mha 1 1 0 0 narreshoetmahote 1 1 3 0 mha 2 0 0 narre tanainlarnae nhangbuddhahuunae 5: 00-7: 30
Registration Dates
fechas de registro | dates d'inscription | မှတ်ပုံတင်ရက်စွဲများ
March 1 |marzo 1 |1er Mars | မတ် ၁
9am-1pm and 4pm-5:30pm
Appointments last 90 minutes. Please don't bring children.
Las citas duran 90 minutos Por favor no traiga niños.
La cita es de 90 minutos.N'amenez pas d'enfants.
ရက်ချိန်းသည်မိနစ် ၉၀ ဖြစ်သည်. ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ ကလေးမယူပါနဲ့
Riverland- East Building Room C138
$30 for the year
GED/College Prep Classes
Study for your GED Tests online!
Math and Language Arts Online Classes starting soon!
Two Options
Study when and where it works for you (10 hour week minimum)
Need: Access to computer/internet
Join a Study Group
Mondays-Thursdays 8:30-11:00am or
Monday & Wednesdays 5:00-7:30pm
Use our computers at a structured time with other students w/ staff support to work on your online class.
Includes Success Lab Class.
(This is not a drop in time, student must commit to attending each session.)
Our next round of online GED/College Prep will start the week of February 22.
Let us know you're interested by February 18 by:
Filling out the form below
Calling us at: 507-460-1863 or
Emailing: Lia.Guttormson@austin.k12.mn.us
Plan on attending one of the mandatory orientation dates
Preregistration Required (Make sure you've contacted us first)
Math: February 22 12pm or 4pm
Language Arts: February 23 2pm
Orientation will last about two and a half hours. Please...
Be on time
Do not bring anyone with you
If you are using a laptop, bring it with you
Wear a mask
Location: Riverland Community College, East Campus Room C134
Enter the main door or the theater door. You must go through the Covid Self-Screening.
If you need to attend the orientation online, due to Covid, please let us know ahead of time.
Get prepared for orientation by:
Getting a Gmail email address
(or making sure you can get into the one you have)
Creating an account on GED.com
(or making sure you can get into the one you have)
Make Riverland in Austin your testing site.
Creating a Study Schedule for yourself
Success in an online class takes diligence!
Make a plan for when and where you are going to study everyday.
If you have mornings or evenings open, consider joining a Study Group.
Take a GED READY TEST (optional)
Curious to know how close you are to passing your test?
Take a GED Ready test on GED.com
Classes start March 1. No late registrations.
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